Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Its Fun to Stay at the Y-M-C-A

Ello! Going to the gym (yes, the gym) is sometimes rather disappointing on my end. Not that I don't get a fabulous work out in whilst pumping loads and loads of iron, but I just have some strange encounters with strange situations. For instance, those of you who have ever been in my presence for over an hour will soon realize that my hair tends to attach itself onto many objects. For example: drinks, peoples hands, a pillow, etc. Or how about an old man at the YMCA? I was on the calve machine (?), beefing up my patties (that sounds lovely), when this 50-70 (bit of an age difference) year old man sat on the machine in front of me wearing a fitted black t-shirt. I couldn't help but notice that one of my white curly hairs (Dumbledore-esque) was attached to his back. I cringed.

I wish.
I was going to somehow try and pull it off of him (no I wasn't) but when he got up my hair just magically stuck onto the machine. What a pleasant surprise. 

The other day I was running on the treadmill (yes, running) and I began to slow it down so I could breathe (in soccer people would sometimes refer to me as "the Blonde Tomato" because my face would turn so incredibly red) and as I was slowing down (also I have size 10 feet) I tripped over one of my ski's and at first stumbled (a lot) and then proceeded to actually fall off of the treadmill. There were two girls, probably a couple of years than me on the elliptical and I could see them snickering. Talk about a low blow ladies! I was hurt. Both because I've never experienced treadmill burns and also emotionally. It was a rough day. 

My next awkward encounter wasn't necessarily at the gym (that sounds so butch), but it does involve running,  so, okay. Freshman year. Byrd soccer practice. @LSUS. Ashton Kutcher was filming the movie "The Guardian" (loved it, congratulations Ashton and Kevin) at the LSUS pools. Claire O'Brien and I (now is a good time to add we were on JV) decided we "needed to go to the bathroom" and we weren't any good so they let us go (whoo-hoo!). The girls restroom was locked and we were determined to get into the pools, so we enter the boys restroom. We then hear many men's voices about to enter through the swim doors and we hid in a bathroom stall. It was all of the extras and the producer (or the director, one of those yes). We bolted out of there and went back outside. As we were about to make the long saddening walk back to our normal lives, a children's mother shouted "Look there he is!" And there in the flesh (he's very thin, and very frail) was Ashton Kutcher, posing in the large window. We were absolutely ravished. So with adrenaline pumping through our veins we took off back to practice to tell everyone of our adventures. Right as I took off (I can't run very fast so just do your best to imagine), I wasn't paying attention to the ground and this poor three-year old boy on a Razor scooter got tackled by my star struck self. It was very embarrassing to say the least.

Maybe "exercising" isn't my forte but it does make for nice stories. Good day everyone, and good night.
P.S. I forgot to tell you all that we reached 2,150 views!! Maybe I'll make a bumper sticker or something. 

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