Greetings again everyone. Today was raining again, but none the less it still is a beautiful day to blog......anyways....Today I've decided to tell all about my absolutely horrid trip to the dentist. Recently, I ventured to Mulberry Mountain for the music festival Wakarusa. It was an absolute delight! Sincerely scrumtralescant if I may say so myself. While I was enjoying some dirty dub-step, I realized my tooth felt extremely odd....and pointy. I told myself to not worry about it for the rest of the night and in the morning I;d take a gander. I take my gander and this is what I see:
Just kidding. But, I had chipped my tooth enough for me to look like a hillbilly. I made an appointment with a new dentist. STOP. Bad move right there. Always stick to a well-known or previously used dentist. I go in to see Dr. X (code names). When I get there the dental assistant cleans my teeth and is ready to send me. So I stop her and say "Madam, I've yet to get this chip fixed and it's what I came here to do." She responded with "How does August 6th sound?" Let me tell you, dental ASSistant, it doesn't sound good at all. We made a few phone calls and I got an appointment yesterday morning at 7:30. Who wants to be sitting in a dental chair at 7:30 in the morning? Not I, not I. I go to see Dr. X again and this time, she's out. So now I get Dr. Geezer. Code name fits the man. The entire time he was working on my beautiful mouth he continued asking the D.A. what to do? I'm a little nervous as I'm sitting in the chair half asleep. They finally fill 'er up and when its time to floss between my two front teeth, my front tooth was the chipped, they can't fit the floss between my two front teeth because the man forgot to place a thin piece of paper between them and I end up looking like I have one giant front tooth. Uh-uh. Not good. FINALLY. They drill me a new space (ouch) and finish the job. Dr. Geezer says "We made it pretty thick so it'll be sturdy." This man has made my tooth have the thickness of a 2x4. Don't fret fellow bloggers, I don't look too crazy and it looks pretty normal. Enjoy the rest of your evening. And enjoy this lovely tune...
Tyler the Creater- Yonkers (viewers discretion is advised)
another stellar effort! and by the way, the tooth looks fine, kiddo!