Don't you hate that awkward moment when you're in the midst of waving at a long lost friend when you realize this person has never been discovered by yourself? I sure don't. I live for it. Today, at my occupation of choice (not that it would be forced), I, Sydney Elizabeth Fletcher II (long story), experienced this. After frantically delivering a delicious Turkey Melt and quite appetizing Cobb Salad to a table of two, I realized there was a man waving at me and smiling. Not just a regular "Hello" kind of smile either, but an " OH MY GOSH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" kind of smile. So I put on my best "OH MY GOSH I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG!" kind of smile (how annoying would it be if I typed in all caps throughout an entire blog post; screaming at you all in type) in return and went up to the male adult and said "Hey, how are you doing?" (imagine this being said with a southern accent; I tend to speak in some thick southern accent when I'm feeling awkward/nervous/or have been drinking) he looked at me strangely and then over my shoulder and then back at me and said "Fine.....(ehh?)....?" and that's when I realized he was speaking to the man behind me (in his age group, much more suitable). I turned a vibrant shade of red and returned to my expo-table to sulk in agony and shame.
Usually this kind of thing happens with younger children but when you're my father's daughter, you are in the category for worst person with names. I was taking precaution, so I didn't feel to bad about it.
They copied my 2004 Christmas Card picture. Anuses. Anusi? |
After this encounter with my non-existing 30-40 year old male friend, it brought me back to the horrific days of seventh grade at St. Josephs. Seriously. The only memories I have from seventh grade are just horrible. An off-the-track story: In middle school (or at least at this one) you had to do hearing tests and sight tests (I'm pretty sure this is normal). So, we all go down to do these tests, all very excited to not be in class. I go up and do both of mine, wishing it would last longer, and they send me a note home. They wanted me to have glasses, a hearing aid, and might I add I was scheduled to have braces around that time too. Talk about a beaut I would've been. Back to the point. My seventh grade choir teacher:
This isn't her, but she looks nice and friendly, just like mine was. |
She told us on a Tuesday (we're winging it) that she would be out the following day (Wednesday for you slower kids) to get her hair cut (..............) but she would be back later that afternoon if we needed to stop by (let me throw in the fact that I should not have been in choir) and ask for any help or whatever you ask choir teachers about. So I'm about to get in my carpool and I'm leaving the lockers when I see Mrs. Johnson talking to another student (her back was facing me but I recognized the red bob). We were pretty close (not at all) so I went up to her and shook her hair (that is possibly the strangest thing I've ever done to a teacher....or is it? Just kidding. ) and said "Cute haircut girl!" When I say "shook", I mean purposefully messed up her "do" in a semi-violent way. When I was ready to get scolded (brings us back to the previous post), she turned around and I realized I had no idea who this woman was. And turns out she had been talking to her daughter, who was a year older than me. That was mortifying.
Now I just avoid eye contact with every human being, and it's been working out great, besides today...Happy Monday to all, and to all a good night!
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