This past weekend has really had me thinking my life is like "The Truman Show". Seriously though, there is no way that my life has this many awkward happenings for it to be real. It's not real life. I'll give you all a little break down starting with "wow, that's odd" to "this can't be real".
1) Yesterday, my friends and I went to Dick's Sporting Goods to look for some new tennis shoes and maybe a new rain jacket (Koppen's are the coolest by far). While they were looking at the shoes again, I went over to the exercise equipment section and began to explore (like a 7 year old). I was on a new elliptical machine that has a TV built in, and also a fan. It was huge. I walked around the corner to meet back up with them when...BAM. The greatest thing I've ever seen is right there. The Ab Glider.

I was thrilled. I hopped on that bad boy and began to glide. I did it for a good three minutes and just couldn't figure out how in the world it worked. I found Haley and Mallory and explained to them "Y'all. There is an Ab Glider over there." They (Haley) got equally as excited. I hopped on again and told them I didn't understand how it worked. Fortunately (unfortunately), there was another shopper near by. He was probably 35+, into working out (he was checking out biking gear), and into helping some young adults figure out the Ab Glider. What a peach. As I'm trying to "glide" (yikes) he came up and held the handle bar for me and began to "personally train" my ab gliding self. It was weird man.
2) Haley and I went to go see the movie "Our Idiot Brother" last night. Not what I expected it to be, but it was so great. I thought it was supposed to be a straight up comedy, but it was more of a feel-good movie. It was still funny, but there were many moments when you just felt good. Hence the "feel-good" -____-. I laughed, I almost cried, and it made me want to be a better person. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Anyways, on the way to the movie, we stopped at a gas station to get some Lunchables and candy to sneak in.

Very classy. I was on the phone with my mom, Cricket, when this man looked at Haley and I and began to wave at one of us. I looked at Haley who wasn't paying that much attention so I put my context clues together and realized he was waving at me. "Mom, I've got to go..." I waved back and from one end of the gas station he yelled "Sydney Fletcher right?!" I was hoping "Maybe he's read my blog. My first fan (!!!!!!)." Wrong. I went up and asked how he was doing, basically pretending I knew this man. His response was "You went to Holy Rosary right? I recognize you from there." Uh......."Yes sir, I went there K-3-Kindergarten." What the heck? I know I've got a memorable voice, and memorable hair, but three years old to twenty years old? SECRET OBSESSION?! Just kidding, later on I realized I did know this man. He's friends with my grandparents. Sorry, for making you feel like a creeper good sir.
3) The weirdest thing of this weekend. Are you ready? Because I'm not sure if you are. I'm not sure if I am either, but here we go. A lot of my friends from Baton Rouge went to Dallas this weekend for the LSU vs Oregon game (Geaux Tigers.) on Friday morning through the weekend. Friday night, I was watching the TCU vs. Baylor game (great game by the way) when I received a picture text message from a number I didn't know. The picture is an advertisement of some sort with two girls and the caption is "Hey gurl." This is what I receieved:

I looked at it for a good while, finally figured out it was Millicent who sent it to me, and I thought she did the thing where people put faces on other peoples bodies, FaceinHole. Then she explained that this is an actual advertisement at Jake's Burger Place in Dallas, TX. Uh......this is real?........Either I have an identical twin that wears a lot of make up, or this could be a lawsuit. Now I'm not saying that's my body. Because I can guarantee you right's not. But that is my facial structure in every way. The teeth are bigger than mine, but still. That is my nose, those are my tiny half-moon eyes. I'm very disturbed. Twin: if you are some how reading this blog, please contact me so we can meet.
I wish some of my stories on here were made up, but they are not. All of them are 100% real, besides the changing of names which is strictly to protect their identities (something that I lack, obviously). Happy Tuesday y'all.
This blog post is dedicated to my mother's dear friend Tony Luce and his daughter Tori Luce. May you rest in peace beautiful girl. Hope this can bring some happiness to you Tony.