Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Snap Chat (Part XXI)

Happy Tuesday to all of my wonderful viewers! Thanks to y'all, the blog has reached 25,000 views! Y'all rock. Dad, stop clicking on the link every 5 minutes, it doesn't work that way. 

See? Being a woman is hard. 

I can't imagine this diagnosis. 

Don't pay attention to the guy with the blue hair.  

Brokeback Mountain 2

Someone needs to open a bar called "The Mullet" and it will be a
cocktail/wine bar in the front and a kegger in the back.
Get rich or die tryin. 

These children are our future. 

I think he's just watching a screensaver... 

You don't want to order the "waffle taco" from this one.

Go-Getter-minated, Obama. 

Tinder Escapades: 

Thanks ladies and gents, send snaps to: @sydneyfletcherz! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Snap Chat (Part XX)

Get ready to be super excited because we've got a new segment now on the blog. Thanks to Taylor Roy, I am proud to introduce "Tinder Escapades" and all that comes along with it. I've decided to post one at the end of the blog to keep the thrill in your life alive. You're welcome. 

What's more disturbing is that she's sitting
 on the most uncomfortable seat ever. 

Some have toasters. We have rats. 

Because life is absolutely unfair. 

His girlfriend sent me this, so it's not horrible.

Who has a coat hanger?  
Cue you looking down at your pants. 

Lively bunch.


The wedding ring was a rabbit's foot.

What's next? Snorting Anthrax? 

And now, introducing "Tinder Escapades" (and the crowd goes wild!!!!):

That is absolutely terrifying, no thank you. Send snaps to @sydneyfletcherz. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Snap Chat (Part XIX)

     I'm so glad to be back in your life. I've started working at Chateau en Mae since the last time we spoke. I was working last Tuesday when a woman came in to browse through our store and I was telling her about some of the new gift lines we'll be carrying. Here's how our conversation went:

Sydney: We've got a new men's soap line we'll be carrying in the fall that smells amazing. When we went to market we all were putting on the lotion because it smelled so great! It's literally like having a nice smelling man around you 24/7.

Woman: Oh I'm sure! I bet it's like having a man around all the time!

Sydney: Yeah! Because I mean who needs a boyfriend when you've got lotion? 

I immediately regretted telling a mother of three that. I found out later that her family is very religious and I'm sure she appreciated my accidentally sexual remark. It's the little things in life. 

"But will Monica be there?"

My biggest problem with this is she used the word "fill" for "feel".

If he was going for Aziz's age, he was two years off. 


Keep it as a pet...is that even a question?

No, the pen does though.

Me sreepy long time...

Sting em', Jackets.  

"Southside merengue and then you rub across yo head"

All I ever find are shitty birthday presents.  

Thanks y'all, hope to see you next week. Love you more than life. FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER. 

Send your Snapchats to sydneyfletcher1@gmail.com or snapchat me @sydneyfletcherz