Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snapchat (Part XXX)

It's been quite some time since my last blogpost. March of 2015, oops. Callie, this one is for you.


Because what else would Mall St. Vincent smell like?

"Beauty school drop-out..."

It's LeBron Odom.

You know it's going to be lit when the eyepatches come out.

As long as they get the groceries, it's okay.

Wiener, wiener, chicken dienner.

Go Clemson!

Also while I've been away, filters have been added.

Bettleguice, Beetleguice, Beetleguice!

Common mistake.

Freshly laundered sheetrock

I would take him to lunch.

Dat ass is hungry for a Tiger WIN!

My boo wildin' out on his bachelor trip.


Best Halloween Costumes of 2016. Possibly ever.

Limp Bizkit was originally going to be named "Blood Fart." Look it up. 
The foot imprint is so precise it's satisfying.

Go Clemson!!

I love this one.

Hiding your emotions behind Snapchat is now a lifestyle.

Nip slip

It just takes 12 steps
"Just one, I swear!"

Some people are meant to have jobs that others are not.



A hipster's USB.